Contact with KinderThuisZorg
Phone: 088 020 0700
Service Bureau:
Lichtenvoorde: Eschpark 5-7, 7131 TG
Utrecht: Mercatorlaan 1200, 3528 BL
Need a pediatric nurse from us immediately?
Call KinderThuisZorg on 088 0200 700 and choose option 1.
Enter the four digits of the zip code belonging to your child's place of residence. You will then be transferred directly.
What can we help you with?
Do you have questions about your child's care or want more information on a specific topic? If so, feel free to contact us! We will be happy to help you and make sure you get to the right person as soon as possible.
The overview below shows the best way to contact us. Is your question not listed here or would you rather call us directly? Of course you can!
Visiting address
Visiting address:
Street and house number: Eschpark 5-7
Zip code and city: 7131TG Lichtenvoorde
Financial data
VAT number: NL818768782B01
Chamber of Commerce number: 09180780
Compliments and complaints
Complaining is allowed
You're not completely satisfied, so what? Health care is the work of human beings and sometimes things don't quite (or maybe not at all) go according to plan. It's okay to let us know. Even better: we would love to hear from you! Because complaining is allowed. And even though for many people this sounds negative and is easily seen as nagging or grumbling, we can learn something from it. And so perhaps improve our care even further.
You can appeal to the complaints officer. They will listen, help you find a solution and show you the way if you still want to officially file a complaint with the Complaints Committee. To be clear: the complaints officer is independent and not employed by KinderThuisZorg.
Our mission and vision
Our mission: KinderThuisZorg Nederland offers its pediatric nurses the space so they can practice their profession in the right way.
Our vision: Every child in the Netherlands has access to the best pediatric nursing care outside the hospital from KinderThuisZorg Nederland.
General conditions
As a healthcare organization, we are required to use the general terms and conditions of industry organizations ActiZ and Branchebelang Thuiszorg Nederland. If you sign for the care plan, you automatically sign for the care agreement and the general terms and conditions. Therefore, please read them carefully.
Privacy Policy
At KinderThuisZorg Nederland, we safeguard your and your child's privacy by carefully handling all personal and confidential information.
In de zorg geldt een identificatieplicht. De identificatieplicht staat in de Zorgverzekeringswet.
Our organization chart
Organizational structure KinderThuisZorg Nederland
At KinderThuisZorg, we take a different approach when it comes to how we want to shape our organization. Instead of a hierarchically organized structure, we have deliberately chosen an organizational structure in the form of a lemniscate, also the symbol of infinity. This shape emphasizes the vibrant environment in which all employees within KinderThuisZorg are seen as equal, regardless of function, role or position.
Our lemniscate organizational chart is all about connection. With this, we focus on creating a powerful system collaboration between all parts of our organization. This creates mutual dependency and harmonious interplay between different employees and/or teams, making the lemniscate "spin" as a whole, so to speak.
Freedom within limits
Children's Neighborhood Teams and Service Teams have the freedom within established frameworks to do their work as they think best contributes to the vision and mission. Everyone contributes their expertise and ideas, but is aware of the frameworks within which this can be carried out.
Trust and Collaboration
Our approach fosters trust, transparency and collaboration. This creates a dynamic environment in which different employees and/or teams play an equal role. The sense of equality and shared responsibility drives us forward and continuously sets the lemniscate, i.e., Children's Home Care, in motion.
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